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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Free Calendar!

Hey guys! I apologize for my lack of posting...again. But good news, band camp has ended so I now have more time to do nothing all day! Hooray! 

I've been wanting to make some sort of free download for a while now (because everyone loves free stuff), so I figured this would be the perfect opportunity with August right around the corner. So here's my calendar! I know it's nothing spectacular, but it'll be better next time, I promise. If you want to download my calendar, click the link below and download it and print it out and all that jazz. 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>download here!<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

I'd be pretty excited (and quite surprised) if you guys do download it, so let me know in the comments if you do! 

In other news, I've recently made a grab button that's on my left sidebar with an HTML code if you'd like your very own Teenage Digest button for your blog. Who wouldn't??


  1. I downloaded! Just to inform you, you now have to do one of these for every month of your life...Sorry! Haha I just love it

    Hannah xo

    1. Haha thank you so much! I'm glad you like it!

  2. Hey I nominated you to do the Liebster Award! Check it out here:

    ps would love it if you checked out the rest of my blog :)

    1. Ah thank you so much! It's an honor :) And your blog is adorable!

  3. OMG I was just looking for a new calender and even though it's the second of August already, I'm so glad I found yours! It's so cute and perfect for me :) Thanks so much for making it free!

    Every Day In Grace

    1. Haha thank you! I might have some more in the upcoming months, if you're interested!


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