The Teenage Digest is a different kind of blog. I don't have an exact label for it. It's not strictly a lifestyle blog or a craft blog or a photography blog. The Teenage digest is a jumble of the things I enjoy and the things I think you will enjoy.
Some of those things include music for every mood or occasion, books you'll love even if you're not much of a reader (but hey, you're reading this post), some cool Do-It-Yourself projects, maybe a few recipes here and there, movie reviews, and anything else that happens along the way.
If you have any ideas or suggestions for content, please feel free to leave a comment or send me an email, which you can do using my handy sidebar button things.
This blog is kind of a step outside of the cushy confinements of the comfort zone for me, so it should be interesting to see where all of this goes.
Who knows?
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